Welcome to SK8PL8S!

We sell (Etsy (starting November 27, 2023)) padded half-shirts AKA "shells" intended for action sports and any other kind of activity that may involve possible injury to the back and/or ribs.

We will be selling general sizes at first (S, M, L), but with each order we will be collecting voluntary body measurements so that we can build a database of measurement combinations so that future shells can be better tailored for individual sizing needs.

The measurements needed will be: width of shoulders (as measured across the back), height, waist, and bicep.

All measurements will be kept confidential, and they will be anonymized, i.e. no personal details will be associated in our database (basically a spreadsheet 🙂).

For any questions or comments please email us at @  contact@sk8pl8s.com.

Stay Rad!

Front view of SK8PL8S (from the U.S. patent application)

Display view of SK8PL8S (from the U.S. patent application)